Tuesday, January 01, 2008

i miss old boomboxes

it's been a while. i've done a couple decks since the baltimore con, but they were gone before i got a chance to photograph them. rrggh. stupid me.

i got some new trucks and wheels for x-mas, so i had to make myself a new deck. markers only this time around. again, influenced by a guy i admire very much, jim mahfood. check him out if you get a chance.

Monday, August 27, 2007

i'm ramping up for the con!

i'm really trying hard to work at top speed. i'm sharing a table with a couple of friends at the baltimore comicon this september. now that i think about it, bringing a ton of decks may not be a good idea. 10 decks already weigh something like 30lbs.  i'll figure it out.

anyhoo.. this deck is art nouveau inspired. more attempts at this style is in order.

Monday, July 16, 2007


another one for the collection. 

ya know,  i've always found it really difficult to paint/draw the randomness of liquid, smoke, and tree branches. man i really hate trees. this was no different. i gotta stop with all the blood.


Friday, July 13, 2007

vampire deck!

before i add the fun stuff: blood!

what is it with me and pinups covered in blood?


hot rod deck

hot rod deck by request. 

i really should paint cars more.